
  Membership Application Form (PDF)

You can fill this form below to APPLY for membership. Or follow the instructions in the PDF File to download and mail the form to the ECSCC Secretary.

Please note

Payment may be made by E-Transfer:
Please indicate in notes reason for transfer ie: (Membership, Rescue donation etc)

If paying by cheque or money order (made payable to the English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada in Canadian Funds only), please return with payment the completed renewal form to:
Grace Harvie, Secretary
English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada
53 Woodworth Road, KENTVILLE,
N.S. B4N 1B2

(902) 691-3672

Household Membership - $30.00
(One vote per family)
Regular Membership - $25.00
Junior Membership - $25.00
Non-Resident Membership - $25.00

Membership Application Form

English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada

Please use this form to apply for membership.

Section A

Section B

Section C

Please note:
If this is a Household Membership, all those applying must sign the Application and abide by the Code of Ethics

Membership Sponsors:

Primary Sponsor
Secondary Sponsor

Primary Sponsor Section

  1. As a sponsor for the prospective member, please take a few minutes to review the questions below and if possible include your answers in the document you prepare, whereby you as Primary Sponsor vouch for the applicant.
  2. Have you known this applicant personally for a reasonable length of time? How long?
  3. As the proposer you must vouch for this person in writing; as a seconder you may have to do so if requested.
  4. Do you have firsthand knowledge of the conditions of the applicant’s residence?
  5. Are the dogs well cared for in a healthy environment? Do the dogs appear to be well-adjusted and happy?
  6. If the applicant has had purebred dogs before, did you inquire what happened to the dogs and were you satisfied with the answer?
  7. Have you ever referred the applicant to local owners, members, trainers, etc. in their area and have they pursued these avenues of information?
  8. Does the applicant approve of the donation or sale of litters, puppies or adults to retailers, wholesalers or their intermediaries?

Please return the completed Application documentation with a cheque/money order payable to the English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada to the Secretary (address below) or by sending this Membership Application Form.
Payment may be made by E-Transfer:


English Cocker Spaniel CLub of Canada
c/o Gracie Harvie
53 Woodworth Road
Kentville, N.S. B4N 1B2

(902) 691-3672

Membership Fees

Household Membership - $30.00
(One vote per family)
Regular Membership - $25.00
Junior Membership - $25.00
Non-Resident Membership - $25.00