Club History

Prior to the formation of the ECSCC the only Specialty open to English Cockers in Eastern Canada was the Golden Triangle Cocker Spaniel Club operating out of Ottawa. Western Canada had the B.C. Cocker Spaniel Club which offered competition for both breeds.
As English Cockers grew more and more popular with an ever increasing entry at shows, breeders and exhibitors felt it was time to create a national club to support and promote the breed.
The wheels were set in motion on October 8th, 1983 in North Bay, Ontario. At the Nippissing Kennel Club Show, a small group of breeders and exhibitors set about discussing the formation of the English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada. Nestled away in a back room at the show site, Kerri Brangers, Shirley Brangers, Nora Maltby, Amy Honey, Kevin Smith, Sandra Schisler, Mel & Joan Beech, John Somerset, Jean Bateman, Sylvia Crawley, and Thora Brown set about creating a club mandate representing the entire country. When the meeting was adjourned, tasks had been assigned, an action item list created and a pro tem executive was put in place with Mrs. Thora Brown as President. The flame had been lit and the fire fueled by the hard work of many right across the country grew. For the past Forty years members have and continue to work tirelessly to make the Club the success it is today.